
Posts Tagged ‘reason’

You know what’s annoying? The person that says, “I wanna do this, but I don’t wanna be the only one…”

Sadly, sometimes that person is still me, though I’m trying to get out of that way of thinking.

Why are we afraid to stand out? Even as we make a fool of ourselves in front of our friends, for some reason we care what strangers think. I think we let ourselves miss out on so much crazy random happenstances just because we don’t want to be seen by someone else. But ever think that the reason you do some of those things is a reason people love you? Never be afraid to be yourself, even if others who don’t know you happen to see. Even if you do know the people, let them see you for who you really are. No one gets to be who you are, so why hide the you that is unique and fun and crazy?

Now of course, I have friends who have wild imaginations, so don’t take my words out of context as if I’m making it okay for you to do something bad. Just don’t stop yourself from screaming out the hotel window, “Good Morning America!” or breaking out the dance to the song “Gangnam Style” when you hear it in a random place. Do what you would do if it was just you and your friend hanging out. You don’t need to be mature all the time, or you will just become stiff. 

Don’t feel that you need to wait till someone else is being weird with you.

All in all, just enjoy being you, no matter what age.

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Learn from your Mistakes

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Sometimes, there are other people that are in more need of your love than yourself. Shocking, I know. That new episode of Lost can wait, your nails don’t need another coat of paint right now, and it is acceptable to walk out of the house without make-up on for once.

These days, we make ourselves happy before we want to bring others happiness. That pie looks so good, I’d rather buy it for myself. That shirt is so cute, I think I’ll just keep this one and find her something different. We don’t like to think of it as selfishness, but that’s what it is, people. When did you last pick up some trash along the grass, not because someone told you to pick it up, but you did it because it was the right thing to do?

We were created to love God and to love one another….”one another” doesn’t mean ourselves.

My biology teacher was telling us a story yesturday about how she was standing in line at the mail center, and the girl ahead of her was about seven cents short for paying for her packages, and my teacher had some spare change to give. The girl took the money and handed it to the cashier without even looking at my teacher, without saying thank you, or even acknowledging her in any way.

It wasn’t as if the change had broken my teacher’s bank account. It didn’t lose her anything. But this has made my teacher a bit irritated, and she wanted to go up to the girl and tell her that she should be more grateful….

But then God tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Hey now, how many times do I give you small things and never receive a thank you?”

How many things do we forget to thank God for? How many things do we forget to thank EACH OTHER for? How many things do we do, simply because we want to be personally recognized for them, to be thanked, to be honored. Not everyone is going to give you something in return, but do you really need anything? Do things because you want to be nice, not because you are hoping to get something out of it.

Go throughout your day and see how many things you do just because you are pleasing yourself, and try to trade a couple of those things with things you can love on other people by doing. Use your imagination, and maybe you can make someone’s day 🙂

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